General Category => General No To Mob Discussion => Topic started by: NotEvenALondonRider on 25 July, 2011, 08:27:59 PM

Title: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: NotEvenALondonRider on 25 July, 2011, 08:27:59 PM
MAG Demo 25/9/11 - C&P


Further to the meeting I've just had with the chairman of the committee of EU Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) I now have a better idea of what we are looking at as the Anti Tampering Regulation moves through the EU legislative process.

Amendments are on the table now and being discussed, like giving an opt out for special 'one-off' builders, (but only the British and the Finns want that) and also making ABS compulsory on mopeds too (Germans want that- or rather the German ABS industry wants that). When IMCO finally vote on this (4/5 or 6th Oct) it then goes to Parliament.

As this is a 'Framework Regulation' once passed it does not have to be transposed into Law in Individual Member States, as it will happen automatically.

So, as far as the 25th September Motorway Mayhem day goes, the 10 very real European issues that we still need to draw attention to are:

1- The Anti tampering Regulation: Specifically Article 18 which wants to stop all modifications to complete power train, from airbox to controlling the rear tyre profile.

2- Compulsory ABS. If we can't stop this, we must get a switch so that we have an option in difficult conditions where ABS doesn't function well.

3- Automatic headlights on- passing the blame for poor observation on to us.

4- OBD. On Board Diagnostics so that easy roadside checks can be made of our emissions and so that constant readouts of engine performance can be obtained. Expensive, complicated and with the threat, rather like a tacho, of identifying past riding style...

5- RMI. Repair and Maintenance Information. Rather than keeping it hidden and available for huge expense, there is a chance that manufacturers will be forced to provide ECU codes etc for a fee. What that fee is remains to be seen.

6- The very worrying article 52: "If systems, components or seperate technical units on a list in a delegated act to this regulation, have a dual use, for vehicles intended exclusively for racing on roads and for vehicles intended for use on public roads, they may not be sold or offered for sale to consumers" So if your K&N filter can fit a CBR race bike and a CBR road bike, the best way to police that, is to make it illegal to sell the filter in Europe.

The Delegated Acts are the most scarey thing, as they are the lists and details drawn up by the unelected and we won't get to see what they are including until after the Regulation has been passed!

7- In solidarity with the French we will be drawing attention to their recent gov proposal to ban all bikes over 7 years old from an urban area and to make the wearing of day-glo/ reflective  compulsory.

8- Full sleeve day-glo clothing for riders and passengers has been proposed in the Irish Parliament too.

9- All these issues lead to the same thing, that we must take the blame for the incompetence of other road users. And while the emergency stop has been removed as a compulsory element of the car driving test, we are jumping through hoops with ill judged UK interpretation of EU licencing directives.

10- Another EU licencing Directive is on its way (3DLD) to step the bike licencing system still further and the DfT and DSA still haven't sorted even the consultation process, even though it is meant to be in law by now and enacted January 2013.

Plans for the day (25th Sept) are that all over the country riders meet at midday in M-way services (or suitable similar if there's no motorway to hand) and at exactly 13.00 groups of riders set off to ride perfectly legally at a sedate Sunday 45/50mph on the country's motorway network. Perhaps over bridges, near the confluence of other motorways etc.

The MAG and other websites will carry details of all the meeting places.

It's the simultaneous element that carries the weight, as even 50 bikes together will cause disruption, but happening everywhere across the country will be powerful and will have the traffic alerts discussing it. They'll be primed.

Riders will disperse as rapidly as they appeared, but after riding for a few junctions at below the speed the trucks use, our impact should be felt.

No need for marshalls, no one can go the wrong way.

No hot engines, no speeches, ride as far as you wish

One media contact number

The threat that we can do it again on a different day of the week will be established.

Our MEPs will be preparing to rubber stamp another regulation put before them. This time they may stop to read it.

Now I appreciate that this may be way too many words for your available space, but anything will be appreciated. If you could let the odd '25th September' appear subliminally throughout the magazine...


Kind regards

Paddy Tyson

Campaigns Co-ordinator

MAG (UK) - Motorcycle Action Group
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Monkey Girl on 25 July, 2011, 09:05:02 PM
I be there  :dancing:
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: rs2k on 25 July, 2011, 10:14:26 PM
I be there  :dancing:

Me too :D   the EU can jog on !!
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Pat Pending on 25 July, 2011, 10:30:41 PM
 South Mimms anyone?  or the Ace as they are both good for me 8)
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: rs2k on 25 July, 2011, 10:32:38 PM
South Mimms anyone? 8)

I was thinking QEII  :p  Dartford, over and back, over and back lol :D   or south mimms to QEII lol
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Pat Pending on 25 July, 2011, 10:37:06 PM
Is there a national board for people to co-ordinate for maximum disruption effect?
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Pat Pending on 25 July, 2011, 10:50:34 PM
I just checked the MAG homepage  I could see no mention of it  W:T:F:
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Pat Pending on 29 July, 2011, 10:42:28 PM
MAG do not seem to organising this at all, it has all the hall marks of a monumental cock up again.
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: DastardlyDick on 30 July, 2011, 05:36:32 AM
I used to be a member of MAG - seemed like a good idea after passing my test - it took me about 6 months to realise 3 things about MAG:
1) Unless you happen to ride a cruiser (preferably a Harley) we're not interested.
2) If you don't live in the northern half of England - forget it.
3) Nationally, they couldn't organise a piss up in a pub, never mind a brewery.
Needless to say, my membership was not renewed.
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Monkey Girl on 07 August, 2011, 10:35:17 PM
In saying that.......medway MAG have plastered leaflets about the ride all over... maybe they forgot to tell other mag sections?
Title: Re: MAG September nationwide demo. Can even do it on the way to a $chunt...
Post by: Pat Pending on 09 August, 2011, 08:24:01 PM
I think one problem is they do not have a London section  W:T:F:

I am deeply suspicious of any organisation that has self appointed "jobs for the boys" and pay a healthy salary to them from a not exactly cheap membership.

Now if they got organised like the French bikers manage to do, then that would be an affective and clear message to send out. But they are too disjointed at present I think.