Author Topic: Scamera car makes £££ this is how its done, Bexley style.  (Read 2922 times)

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Offline peperami gsxr

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This is from last year, but only uploaded onto U-tube in May 2011.


From the driver....
Bexley Council issued me a penalty ticket for stopping on a Bus stop. They even sent me a video of my offence after I challenged it and appealed against the penalty, they took it to the courts and I was told that I was wrong for stopping in a Bus stop for a few seconds to allow the driver in front of me to move out before I could get into the parking space in front of me.
This to me is a case of entrapment.
« Last Edit: 01 August, 2011, 05:22:06 PM by peperami gsxr »
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Offline BailiffHunter

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Re: Scamera car makes £££ this is how its done, Bexley style.
« Reply #1 on: 01 August, 2011, 05:14:26 PM »
I see this as a forward and backwards motion and no "Stopping at all".
\"When the facts change, I change my mind\"

Nigel W

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Re: Scamera car makes £££ this is how its done, Bexley style.
« Reply #2 on: 01 August, 2011, 06:27:49 PM »
Why did they bother to zoom in on the TSRGD 2002 Repeater sign to diagram 879? They have fixed this to the pole. Has nobody informed them yet:

1/. TSRGD 2002 879 is a repeater sign that can only be used after a primary sign to Diagram 878. Without this primary signage sign 879 is unlawfully on the highway.

2/. TSRGD 878 & 879 signs are for moving traffic contraventions only. They have no function for static parking enforcement.

3/. The only compliant sign for static parking enforcement by CCTV are similar to the ones erected in Westminster. These signs comply with the ICO's regulations for signage.

They can be found here in Appendix 4 the sign on the left is for moving traffic. The sign on the right is for parking enforcement.

Offline Staps

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Re: Scamera car makes £££ this is how its done, Bexley style.
« Reply #3 on: 01 August, 2011, 07:22:46 PM »
Here we go again, in order to give a bloke a few seconds to move his car, do we have to simply sit in the middle of the road and block the free flow of traffic or use a bit of common sense and pull off of the highway for a few moments, i am starting to go into one again they are a bunch of f(*%^ing Arseholes  >:(   >:(   >:(  I am F&*^king sick of this sort of thing.  >:(   I take great joy in every penny the NoToMoB stops from going into these W*"Kers coffers.
Safety yea right, did you see the bodies flying through the air while he waited for the car to vacate the slot ...NO neither did I. we can only take so much of this S*"t.
This came up some time ago, is it illegal to stop next to a bus stop, not in it, to drop or pick someone up .... 


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