Author Topic: Camera Cars Are NOT Needed. Other EA's Take Note and Learn a Lesson.  (Read 1330 times)

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Nigel W

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Richmond Council Cabinet:

Camera Cars
4.16 The camera cars, introduced in 2009 are currently off the road as was promised pending this review. While properly certified camera cars are a capable means of issuing PCNs for contraventions of parking regulations we have reviewed the types of offences that were captured by those operated in our Borough (albeit as it turns out improperly) and considered whether they are of the type that is in the
spirit of “Fair Parking”. We believe that many were not and were not, for example, linked to concerns around the need to ease congestion at major junctions.

4.17 Many of the PCN issues for example being for footway parking in suburban, residential roads. Whilst this is a serious issue and of particular concern to the condition of our footpaths, it is questionable as to whether it is an offence that is best captured by a camera car. These offences could just as easily be enforced with mobile CEOs, it does not need a camera car patrolling the streets.

All of the information can be found here:


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