Author Topic: Bexley at it now Issuing a Charge Certificate Before Appeal and Lying to Driver.  (Read 4135 times)

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Nigel W

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"The Appellant explained, in detail, the circumstances relating to the incident including the assurance received as to not being 'in trouble' for her manner of parking to obtain directions, immediately upon receipt of the Penalty Charge Notice. The Appellant reiterated the same, with more detail, at the Hearing;  I found the Appellant's oral evidence to be cogent and credible and I accepted it in its entirety.
  The evidence upon which the Enforcement Authority rely comprises the certified copy Penalty Charge Notice together with photographic evidence: CCTV footage which corroborates the facts with regard to the manner of positioning of the said vehicle and the walking toward the CCTV operative with an address in her hand, as described by the Appellant, who is then seen to return to the said vehicle and immediately drive away.

After close questioning, I am satisfied that the Appellant had placed reliance upon the assurance received from the Enforcement Authority's representative and that the receipt of a Penalty Charge Notice was contrary to the legitimate expectation extended

  Further, the Appellant produced to me at the Hearing, a Charge Certificate that was issued to her on 28 th  February 2012. At that time this Appeal was already pending, since it was scheduled on 21 st  February 2012. The Charge Certificate informs the Appellant that the penalty is increased, threatens enforcement action through the courts if it is not paid, and states that it is now too late to challenge the issue of the Penalty Charge Notice

Issued as it was issued whilst the Appeal was pending, this is an entirely unlawful demand for money, coupled with the threat of court action, which I find to be a procedural impropriety on the part of the Enforcement Authority."

It sounds as if the driver approached the $car spoke to the operator and was informed that she was not getting a ticket. He then issued a ticket.

« Last Edit: 16 April, 2012, 08:42:44 PM by Nigel W »

Offline The Bald Eagle

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The problem here is that although this poor lady may have received an assurance from the driver that no ticket would be issued, it is not the driver who makes the decision as to whether a ticket should be issued.

Offline seggsy

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Doesn't that depend on whether the CCTV is a monitored or unmonitored by the operatives in the $camera car?
I am not sure what Bexley have.
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Nigel W

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Bexley have an Attended Operation System. They are not certificated for Unattended Mode.

The operator of the $car has to manually record everything that he (or she) considers to be an offence. This is then reviewed before a PCN is issued. If the operator told the lady that she would not get a ticket he was knowingly lying. He was recording the entire incident, even recording her returning to her vehicle.

Offline peperami gsxr

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Now then I remember this and was informed by someone just after it happen (the day after).

I was told the driver had noted  the reasons for her to stop was to ask the driver direction as she saw the $car being an official council car, and she was said to be an elderly lady.

But as we know, the driver does not issue the PCN, and only notes the VRN and Time and Location on the Log Sheet, then the PCN is issued after the footage has been seen by a 3rd party in the back office.

Desperate times.

(there is a reason why i'm not saying who informed me of this)
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Nigel W

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Now then I remember this and was informed by someone just after it happen (the day after).

I was told the driver had noted  the reasons for her to stop was to ask the driver direction as she saw the $car being an official council car, and she was said to be an elderly lady.

But as we know, the driver does not issue the PCN, and only notes the VRN and Time and Location on the Log Sheet, then the PCN is issued after the footage has been seen by a 3rd party in the back office.

Desperate times.

(there is a reason why i'm not saying who informed me of this)

The opperator had no business recording anything if he had told her that she would not get a ticket. He is only supposed to record things which he perceives as being contraventions. He was lying. Also he ought to have recorded what he said to her in his log.


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