Author Topic: Police called to man taking a photo of his daughter-Threatend with Terrorism Act  (Read 1555 times)

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Nigel W

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Offline DastardlyDick

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I would guess that what's happened here is that shop staff have seen this chap taking photo's of a child and instead of asking if it's his child, they've (quite rightly imho) called for a security guard to find out what he's doing. The photographer has become abusive, so Police were called to deal with that, not the photography.
Scottish Law may be different in it's definition of a public place (which is what a shopping centre is under English Law) but I find it hard to believe that a Police Officer has threatened to confiscate his phone under the Terrorism Act 2000, as no such power exists, although it may have been used to justify a search.

Offline rs2k

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got to say I am 50/50 on this story :s

Reason being, I used to work in a large shopping centre in Romford in Centre mgt security - during my time there, we had notificaiton of a royal visit... the queen was coming to Romford (god knows why !) lol.  So, a blanket ban on photos being taken in and around the centre was put in place at the request of royal protection..... on one side, pretty stupid as if someone wanted info they would do it covertly lol. But had to be enforced all the same :(   As it was private property, we could ask people not to take photos and if they insisted they would be asked to leave, then removed by reasonable force if they would not.

In this case though, seems overly daft being he was taking a photo of his kid... enjoying herself !  :(


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