Author Topic: Bexley Siemens Contract  (Read 2409 times)

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Offline peperami gsxr

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Bexley Siemens Contract
« on: 09 February, 2012, 12:40:57 PM »
Bexley council jumped into a contract with Siemens with both feet. And at the time was rubbing thier hands together at the idea of making a few pounds out of the deal.

In simple terms it was going to be a Bexley/Siemens PIC (Partnership in Camera's) and we all know these Partnerships dont end well.

Anyway the Council first made a song and dance about this, and was very open about the extra money that was going to be coming thier way, extra bonus for all those concerned maybe for a job well done, or a lowering of Council Tax, umm. One may never know as it seems the flow of money is not being shouted about as loudly as it was.

This is the first report, and all sounds good..££££££!

And then last week Bexley put out a press statement, no talk about money, no talk about partnerships. And lots of patting on the back regarding crime, and the number of arrests. I cant knock them for that, and its as it should be.

 But, what has happened to the income, why no talk of the partnership. What happened to the marketing, why no talk of value for money.

I wonder  :-ev-:  (dont worry Bexley, we aint forgotten, you will have a knock on your door soon from the Audit Commission in due course)
« Last Edit: 09 February, 2012, 01:19:33 PM by peperami gsxr »
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Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: Bexley Siemens Contract
« Reply #1 on: 09 February, 2012, 01:07:24 PM »
And just so she doesn't feel left out, we haven't forgotten about you either Tina. ;D

The District Auditor will be adding you and your department to her list of things to scrutinise more deeply. I do hope you have no other skeletons in your closet, other than the ones we will be showing her of course. ;)


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