Author Topic: PATAS Ruling and criticism  (Read 3172 times)

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Offline Darcus

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PATAS Ruling and criticism
« on: 13 March, 2012, 10:18:20 PM »
Found this ruling today, which was for a ticket issued 45 minutes before mine was, at exactly the same location with exactly the same appeal points raised.

PATAS Ref: 2110043852

Clearly Camden Council enjoy wasting PATAS' time by continuing to issue tickets and denying appeals even after they are aware of rulings.
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Offline Darcus

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Re: PATAS Ruling and criticism
« Reply #1 on: 17 March, 2012, 05:07:32 AM »
I suspect that the link may not actually show the ruling so here it is:

Register Kept Under Regulation 20 of the Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators)(London) Regulations 1993, as amended or Paragraph 21 of the Schedule to the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007, as applicable

Case Reference:   2110043852
Appellant:   Ms xxxx
Authority:   Camden
VRM:   xxxx
PCN:   CU28478081
Contravention Date:   10 Dec 2010
Contravention Time:   23:13
Contravention Location:   Pancras Road NW1
Penalty Amount:   £120.00
Contravention:   Failing to comply with a sign indicating a prohibition on certain types of vehicle
Decision Date:   07 May 2011
Adjudicator:   Carl Teper
Appeal Decision:   Allowed
Direction:   cancel the Penalty Charge Notice.
Reasons:   The Appellant has attended her appeal I find her to be an honest witness.

The authority's case is that the Appellant's vehicle failed to comply with a sign indicating a prohibition on certain types of vehicle when in Pancras Road on 10 December 2010 at 23.13.

The Appellant's case is that she drove in the direction she did, because the signage was confusing and the route she took appeared to be the only one available to her.

I have considered the evidence in this case and watched the CCTV footage a number of times. I find that on the date in question the signage was inadequate and insufficient for its intended purpose.

I accept that the authority has gone to a lot of effort to prove this contravention with maps, plans and pictures (in addition to the CCTV clip), however a motorist would not have the maps, plans and pictures, produced for the adjudicator, with them when driving in this area. Also, the sign with the words 'GOODSWAY CLOSED' will mean very little to a motorist who does not know the names of the roads in this vicinity. Further, at the point where a motorist could possibly turn left there are bollards and signs laid out rather excessively into the road making a left turn very difficult.

I find that the road works and diversions in place at this location have caused too much confusion for too many motorists; such confusion does not appear to be occurring anywhere else in London at the moment.

The appeal is allowed.
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