Author Topic: Articles that prove parking charges & fines affect High St footfall  (Read 10382 times)

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Surprise surprise! West Wales town where all the parking meters have been out of action for a month sees shopping boom

After thieves smashed all four parking machines in Cardigan’s main car parks last month, custom in local stores soared by up to half.

This week at a meeting of Cardigan Town Council, traders queued up to recount how the destruction of the pay-and-display machines had led to the unexpected windfall.

‘I’ve seen trade go up by around 20 per cent but some businesses have seen an increase of 50 per cent, which is not only good for the traders but it helps make Cardigan a thriving place.

‘People who have enjoyed free parking at supermarkets are finding they prefer going to small, independent shops which offer goods of a far better quality. People are staying longer and spending more. They feel more relaxed not having to worry about their cars.

‘It demonstrates what we’ve been saying for years: if you have lower parking fees, or even no fees, then people will come into town.’,5593.0.html


Council leader Councillor Liz Redfern said: "The two-hour free parking has been received with open arms by many traders and shoppers in the town centre. We have received some very positive feedback.

"We have seen an increase in the footfall in the town centre over the past few weeks – making the scheme a great success.
This shows our commitment to Scunthorpe town centre to make it a thriving shopping centre."


Free Saturday MSCP parking boosts Northampton retail

The introduction of free Saturday parking at Northampton’s multi-storey car parks has been judged a success, with more shoppers visiting the town according to figures from Northampton Borough Council.

In the three months since the introduction of free parking, 23,000 more cars have parked in the council’s multi-storeys on Saturdays, compared with before the offer, the council said.[/i]


Tendring district’s free parking in town centres boosting high street according to council chiefs[/b]

A popular free parking permit scheme has contributed significantly to the health of Tendring’s high streets

New figures have revealed only 4.4% of shops in Dovercourt are empty, 4.8% in Frinton and 7.5% in Clacton. The national average is 13.4%.

Council chiefs say the Tendring parking scheme – set up in 2012 to offer every tax paying household in the district a free parking permit – has been a key factor in supporting local high streets.[/i]


David Mackintosh, leader of Northampton Borough Council, said: "As has been seen in many town centres across the country, footfall figures have been steadily declining and we are pleased to now be bucking the trend.

"Shoppers and businesses alike told us they wanted free parking and we responded. The free parking scheme has proved extremely popular and helped to bring more people into Northampton to enjoy the town centre."


"Yes these new charges have raised some money but they have probably done more damage to businesses in the city...

...Mr Sharma said since the new charges were brought in, some businesses had complained of a drop in footfall.

"Although these charges are understandable, it is like they are scoring an own goal," he added.


Would Sunday parking charges put you off shopping in town centres?

Yes: 90.12%

No: 9.88%


High Streets Minister Brandon Lewis and retail expert Mary Portas visit thriving Rotherham high street.

Easier parking to help town centres

Independent experts have warned that aggressive parking policies are harming local high streets and local shops. We are getting rid of aggressive parking policies by changing the previous approach of setting parking fees to discourage car use and provide ‘maximum’ parking levels.


Bedford Council announces 2% increase in High St footfall after offering free parking



Walsall [parking] charge cuts double visits [to council car parks]

The reduction in long-stay parking fees in Walsall town centre has resulted in an almost doubling of drivers parking in the council's car parks. The cut was announced in November 2012 as part of a drive to make the town more attractive.

Council deputy leader, Adrian Andrew said: "There's no question that this move has been a success and has been popular with motorists, shoppers and Walsall town centre businesses.

We have listened to what people have been telling us and we've reduced the cost of parking in order to help our mission of creating and safeguarding jobs.",3062.msg23235.html#msg23235


Councillor Jones added: "We wish to set charges for parking which reflect local pressures and needs. The Council should also look to make car parking charges cost neutral and no longer fund our services.

"Conversations with businesses and local people since that date as well as research have shown that accessible, affordable and attractive parking places encourage people to shop in towns.,4542.0.html


When parking charges were introduced in one Brighton street little did traders know it would cost them thousands of pounds in just a few weeks.



Will you continue to shop in Borehamwood under the changed parking system?

Yes 11%

No 89%


FURIOUS business owners say new parking charges in Northallerton are killing the town centre – with some reporting losses of up to 40 per cent in revenue since their introduction.

One trader, Caz Pring, owner of craft and wool shop Paperlane, on Friarage Street, said her takings are down more than 40 per cent in the month since the introduction.

“In six months time, if things continue the way it’s going, I’ll be gone; I’ll be out of business,” she said.


Last year’s introduction of free parking in the north of Northumberland has been successful, according to a new report.

A report to yesterday’s meeting of Northumberland County Council’s communities and local services committee stated that ‘free parking has been successfully implemented and in the main has been positively received and in general has increased footfall and trade in town centres’.

Regarding Alnwick, it reported a 10 per cent increase in town-centre trade and stated: ‘Businesses and visitors are generally positive and free parking continues to be well-received. Car parks seem to be well used with few spaces available during the day in some all-day car parks.


Brandon Lewis in Hansard:

Research by the Association of Town and City Management has shown that there is a clear relationship between parking provision and high street footfall.

Mary Portas' independent review on high street policy has also noted:

“The ease with which out-of-town retailing can be reached by car means that high streets do not have the luxury of pretending that car-based access is not convenient for shoppers. It is. And yet in many town centres I have visited for this review parking has been run-down, in an inconvenient place, and most significantly really expensive.”

This Government have already:

Scrapped the Whitehall policy that pressured councils to hike car parking charges as a ‘demand management measure’ to discourage car use (the Labour Government's ‘PPG13’);


Parking enforcement officers working for APCOA were only too happy to help promote St Helens Council’s free Saturday parking offer during the run up to the festive season. They’re right behind the council’s bid to generate increased footfall and support the town centre.

Council Leader Barrie Grunewald said: “Everyone in the borough wants to see a successful town centre. Free parking on Saturdays is already giving our retailers a big helping hand, with more and more people appreciating the convenience – and cost benefits – of shopping locally.”!/


Shoppers stopped by parking fine fears

The fear of running out of time on a pay and display parking ticket could be forcing consumers to cut short their Christmas shopping trips, according to research.


“I will not be spending another penny in this town until something is done about this deliberate profiteering.”...

...“Can it be any wonder Camberley is being turned into a ghost town?”


LAST Sunday, we decided to come into town for lunch. The usual desolated and dying image of the High Street awaited us as we parked in one of the council-run car parks and paid £1 for the privilege...

...No wonder we have been minimising our visits to the High Street and believe me, from now on, we will chose to eat somewhere where we don’t have to worry about a disproportionate parking fine.


Brandon Lewis in Hansard:

If parking is too expensive or difficult, shoppers will simply drive to out of town supermarkets or just shop online, undermining the vitality of town centres and leading to ‘ghost town’ high streets.

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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In the interests of 'balance' and, ahem, challenging misconceptions, the Bullshit Purveyors Association can evidence that parking charges have no influence in high street decline.

I'm sure you remember them. They also 'evidenced' that there were between 36,000 and 90,000 court actions in the year prior to the Protection of Ferrets Act and that POPLA would be free to the motorist. There were in fact 49 cases that made it to court and motorists are now being stung for POPLA fees by BPA members.


The link above no longer works. Fortunately we were able to recover the text of the blog. See below.

Cameras and Parking…the truth is out!

Ironic isn’t it, people complain about cameras being used to manage parking and yet they love to watch when the [TV] cameras follow and scrutinise the way parking is managed.

And what did those cameras reveal? Being inside an appeal hearing taking place they offer motorists a good insight into the processes and expectations of an independent and well qualified adjudicator.  Whilst 80% of motorists never receive a PCN, the other 20% I hope were taking notes, and not just about the finer points of the law.

Anyone watching the programme will have picked up how long these adjudicators have been doing their job.  They know what they’re talking about and they’ve heard pretty much every excuse and they also know what constitutes appropriate evidence.  The Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of ‘substantial compliance’. It really isn’t worth trying to ‘get off’ paying a Penalty Charge when you know you should not have parked where you did and rely on a so-called ‘technical’ error in the signs and lines. How much time, energy and money are being wasted with Representations and at Adjudication Services with claims for some non-conformity in TRO’s, in signs and lines, when everyone knows that the parking was restricted, the contravention took place and the PCN issued accordingly.

The programme last Thursday provided a mix of winners and losers in a variety of different circumstances. People should think twice too before they use those fee charging websites which are entirely unnecessary and seek to profit from motorists who can challenge a penalty charge absolutely free all by themselves.

There is an old adage: if it’s yellow and quacks, it’s probably a duck. Well if there’s a line (or two) alongside a road and it’s yellow, you probably shouldn’t park there; it’s that simple.

Enforcement in Selby provoked the usual strong reactions, particularly concerns about losing custom in the High Street. Did that shopkeeper really say ‘Bring back the Traffic Warden?”

The BPA can evidence that parking charges have no influence in high street decline. What was missing was North Yorkshire Council explaining why they manage the parking in Selby… BPA Members are clear that parking management is about keeping our streets safe, free from obstruction caused by indiscriminately parked cars, improving road safety, keeping children safe when they come out of school, protecting spaces for residents or particular groups of users such as disabled people and enabling servicing and deliveries to take place in high streets that would become congested if parking wasn't properly and effectively managed.

Our report, Re-think! Parking on the High Street was produced in collaboration with the Association of Town & City Management (ATCM), Springboard Research Ltd and Parking Data & Research International (PDRI) and found no clear relationship between parking charges and the amenities on offer in a location. They park to work, to shop, to play. People go to places they find attractive with a good range of amenities on offer. They don’t go to look at the parking… People don’t park to Park.

And ‘le finale’ goes to the Frenchman who said, and I paraphrase “It was my fault, I should pay the penalty for being late back: you should see the streets of Paris, where fines are too small, no body cares where they park and no one is managing it." Touché.

Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

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Re: Articles that prove parking charges & fines affect High St footfall
« Reply #2 on: 28 August, 2017, 05:26:32 PM »
In-Town Parking: What Works?
Innovative Practices in Parking Provision
Published by: ATCM, July 2014 [Association of Town & City Management]

Page 11: The top 10 factors for customers when selecting a car
park to use are ranked as follows:

1 Location
2 Personal safety
3 Safe environment
4 Tariffs
5 Ease of access
6 No/little queuing
7 Number of spaces
8 Effective surveillance
9 Size of parking space
10 Appropriate lighting

Page 22: Middlesburgh case study:

Competitive Council Tariffs
The 2012 Annual Council Parking Survey found that there had been a 14% reduction in council controlled car park usage in 2011/2012 compared with 2010/2011 as result of the economic downturn with less people working in the town centre, rising fuel costs and private parking sites taking business from council run parking. In order to reverse this trend and encourage people to use unpopular car parks, the Council have implemented a range of pricing measures.

This includes making the first 2 hours of parking in council owned car parks free. This has been in place since October 2013 and it is understood that local businesses have seen increased visitor numbers as a
result of this scheme. Along with this, at the beginning of December 2013, a one day parking charge of £1.00
was put in place to encourage more people to use the town centre for Christmas shopping rather than
drive to out-of-town retail centres.

The Council reviewed parking charges and their impact on local businesses. As a result, a council run car park which was rarely used had its parking charges reduced from £3.30 to £1.00 for all day parking.

Following this change it was noted that, not only were more people using the car parking facility, but local businesses were also experiencing increased spend. Whilst these price reductions are having a number of positive economic benefits, the Council has also identified the potential wider effect upon the privately owned car parks in the town. With less and less people opting to park in the more expensive private car parks this raises the risk that some could go out of business, which could damage overall levels of parking supply in the long-term.

Page 42: [Parking] Charges at the point of use may have a detrimental impact on footfall.


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Re: Articles that prove parking charges & fines affect High St footfall
« Reply #3 on: 13 September, 2017, 10:16:01 AM »
On Twitter today

Manny Rasores deToro‏ @MrParking

Inverness Council propose 15 m free parking to help High St. To me anything less than 30 m does more harm than good.

Manny Rasores deToro‏ @MrParking 

Replying to @NoToMob @CommunitiesUK and 2 others
[Greg Knight MP and Murdo Fraser MP]

My point is 15m free parking will not help the High St & 30m is better. However control of free parking is vital & costly & someone must pay

NoToMob reply

The No To Mob Retweeted Manny Rasores deToro

Thanks again for acknowledging that 30m or more free parking will help increase High St footfall @CommunitiesUK @GregKnight @murdo_fraser

Offline DastardlyDick

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Re: Articles that prove parking charges & fines affect High St footfall
« Reply #4 on: 14 September, 2017, 08:32:39 AM »
Last time I was in Inverness, it looked like the Council had shares in the 'yellow road paint company' every road I drove along had Double Yellows, so 15 min parking is an improvement.


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