Author Topic: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?  (Read 6629 times)

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Offline The Bald Eagle

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Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« on: 05 May, 2012, 12:56:03 AM »
Got this earlier. ;D

We ARE gaining their respect.


Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxxxx

As you're aware, following a recent adjudication case for the Moor End Prohibition of Driving restriction, Hertfordshire County Council has decided not to challenge the decision and to seek to refund the payments already made. Because the restriction is important to us for improving  passenger transport journeys in the area, we have also decided that we will take steps to ensure that going forward we have a legally enforceable scheme. As part of the process we would like to invite the groups who queried the effectiveness of the warning signs to work with us on the revised signage. Hence the reason for my email to you.
Would a representative from NoToMob like to be involved and work with us on the revised signage?
If so are there any particular days or dates you would like us to avoid when arranging a meeting?
Steve Johnson


FYI Mr Johnson is the first person we contacted directly (councillors were c.c.'d in too) with our concerns over the HH debacle. He is the Head of Network Management for Hertfordshire Highways.

Offline Staps

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #1 on: 05 May, 2012, 01:04:02 AM »
 The NoToMoB are against REVENUE DRIVEN ENFORCEMENT, the sooner he gets that the better, he has to understand, if he gets it right, the NoToMoB way, he wont make a lot of money out of it. seems like he wants expert help to ensure he can fleece motorists and get away with it.

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #2 on: 05 May, 2012, 01:46:34 AM »
The NoToMoB are against REVENUE DRIVEN ENFORCEMENT, the sooner he gets that the better, he has to understand, if he gets it right, the NoToMoB way, he wont make a lot of money out of it. seems like he wants expert help to ensure he can fleece motorists and get away with it.

If they get it right there will be no fleecing involved. Only those who wilfully ignore signs will be punished. And quite right too.

However, it will take a very long time for the council to justify the outlay under those conditions. Consequently, one has to wonder how the council will justify this to their employers, i.e. the electorate.

They are being held to account, and we are actively doing it.

Little victories my friends. Little victories.

Stay cool. 8)

Bald Eagle

Offline Pat Pending

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #3 on: 05 May, 2012, 10:20:39 AM »
Hmmmm to help or not to help? We asked them initially to meet us and discuss the problems and this as we know was rejected out of hand costing the rate payers £1.3 million. It is not our job to ensure that a revenue enforced set up is correctly laid out, they get paid a bloody good salary out of taxpayers pockets to do this job and we expect it to be done competently and conform with legislation.
If they had met us at the start or even on one of the other occasions we asked them too then they may have found out what it is they were doing wrong. Do not forget that even though the Adjudication was incredibly damning it did not go into some very serious failings that were not mentioned in the report. I think they will still get it wrong and I think heads will roll but I do not believe it is our place to save their Arses. I do not think EA's should be allowed to enforce this type of contravention as we see time and time again "Its all about the money".
So I am dead against helping them, Pile has had his chances and stuck two fingers up to every one who said it was all wrong. If they want us to do their jobs I am quite prepared to accept providing I get their salary for it as well. :idea:
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Nigel W

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #4 on: 05 May, 2012, 11:11:31 AM »
Pat is quite right.

We should not really be involved in doing their jobs for them at this juncture.

They had their chances of listening to our correct advice previously but they simply chose to completely ignore it.  If we give them advice now they will take all of the credit for it.

My view on this is as follows.

The only 'advice' that we should be giving them now is this:

That they should agree to take the cameras out first. The bus lane once it is correctly signed does and will not warrant the use of these cameras solely for that purpose. They are sneaky little devices that are placed covertly anyway.

If they still insist on using CCTV then the cameras should be dual purpose ones for Crime as well.  The cameras should be large and prominently placed. Only then after they agree to this will we give them the necessary information regarding signage etc.

If we do not rail now against the use of this type of sneaky fixed ANPR 'spy cameras' their proliferation will extend far wider than Hemel.

If they are still determined to set up the same camera 'scheme' again let them do so. It is guaranteed that they will not get it right again. The process of refunds will then be repeated ad infinitum!

Please feel free to join in with your comments and ideas on wether we ought engage with them and if so on what basis.

Offline Tom Tom Str

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #5 on: 05 May, 2012, 01:52:31 PM »
It is good if not somewhat ironic that they are now actually asking for advice though ! -
The whole episode and the Councils failure to comply with the Law themselves is now very much in the "Public Eye"  Also a very strong message should by now have been filtering in to other Councils - most of which have revenue schemes in place already.
  For Hemel  to have lost £1.3M and Richmond £1.1M,  plus numerous other areas that are starting to pay back Huge Sums....and more to come !- it is a really Fantastic Result towards gaining the Compliance and Fair Treatment for the Public they are elected to serve
Having said that I agree with Pat and Nigel,  They are highly paid and have a responsibility to get it right in the first place, Signage is Not Rocket Science, it does need to be done correctly and common sense applied.
 These Councils are are finding it is and will be very costly to get it wrong now and in the future... We hope they are listening but  Luckily  WE ARE WATCHING THEM closely to assist as the need arises !

Offline jonesy

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #6 on: 05 May, 2012, 04:32:13 PM »
Bo%$#&s to em W:T:F: let them stand in the rain wind and cold and find out for them selves if motorists conform to the restriction/toll road :o
If we do help them to get it right :bashy: then we need paying for the advice at current consultation fees, and then we can donate it to charity!! :dancing: :dancing:
I suppose asking us to help is a major victory for Notomob :aplude: I don't know of any other protest group being asked (not searched Google to find out) and a little embarrassing :-[ for the council as in some small way they are finally asking for help in a scheme they well and truly fucked up <_> :bashy:

All in all absolutely fantastic :party: :party: :party:

Offline Kill Switch

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #7 on: 05 May, 2012, 04:38:27 PM »
No fecking help from NoToMob, all they want to do when it it all goes wrong, is say that various groups were consulted, then they can rubbish our reputation.  We are not there to help them get it right, as someone above has already said, they get an extremely good salary to get it right.  Our modus operandi is to point out when they screw up, if we help, we're just keeping incompetents employed by hiding behind our knowledge.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice

Offline Pat Pending

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Re: Moor End Road. Respect to the No To Mob where it's due?
« Reply #8 on: 05 May, 2012, 04:50:44 PM »
 Now here is an idea   :idea: perhaps they could enlist the help of the DFT and just implement what they are told this time.  :bashy: :bashy: :bashy:

I do agree with BE that any one knowingly abusing a Bus Lane deserves to get penalised.
« Last Edit: 05 May, 2012, 05:20:16 PM by Pat Pending »
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Beer in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up,  totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a  ride!!"