Author Topic: Private Parking Company Creative Parking Solutions now at it in Hemel Hempstead  (Read 8702 times)

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Offline The Bald Eagle

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  • THE lowest common denominator
Creative Parking Solutions are applying way above the recommended (by the BPA) parking charges in the car park in question. £150 a pop. I do hope they have their genuine pre estimates of loss to hand when they are finally audited by the DVLA.

Oh! And I also love the admission by the land owner that "Sportspace makes no revenue from the parking system."

It's nice to know that they will be losing customers and profits, without profiting from the despicable practices of their contractors.

What's the expression? :idea: Ah yes, that's it.

If you lie with dogs you will wake up with fleas.

Cue one of Ewan's very apt cartoons or emoticons...

Offline DastardlyDick

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Unless they've sold it, I think the Landowner is Dacorum Borough Council rather than Sportspace who are the operators of the centre.

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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  • Veni, Vidi, $chunti. I came, I saw, I assisted.
So the weasels probably don't have the landowners permission to threaten and harass the public then.

About that pre-estimate of loss thingy. Let us suppose for one moment that £150 is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss that Mr. Dastardly caused them when he stopped the Mean Machine for all of 8 seconds to allow his faithful hound, Muttley to mark one of the lamp posts in a way which is popular with canine companions. If Mr. Dastardly then takes advantage of the generous discount of 50%, Mr. Weasel is then left out of pocket to the tune of £75. If Mr. Weasel loses £75 for every sPeCulative iNvoice issued, then how is the company funded? Especially given the astronomical sums they pay to, ahem, 'amateur lawyers.'

One apt cartoon coming right up!
Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

Offline DastardlyDick

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Taken from the "Sportspace" website:-

"Sportspace is the operating name of Dacorum Sports Trust. We commenced trading in April 2004 and are a not for profit company limited by guarantee. We are a registered charity and have a Board of Directors made up of local people, who have an interest and passion for providing the whole community with a wide range of sporting opportunities.
Dacorum Sports Trust works in partnership with Dacorum Borough Council who is the Landlord of the sports centres we run. The Trust is led by the ‘Trust Management Team’. "Because we are a non profit distributing organisation, we invest any surpluses made back into the sports centres or services we offer, either by way of direct investment, like new gym equipment or by way of subsidy, offering a discount on a course or facility."

And, saving the best bit for last:-

"Our Values
Great value


I wouldn't call £75 for using their car park "great value" or "welcoming", but hey, that's just me!

Interestingly, there's no mention of any charge for the Car Park at any of their centres, so (assuming they are free) that would make their "loss" err nothing, zero, nada, nil.

The "Board of Directors" of Sportspace and "Trust Management Team" of Dacorum Sports Trust are made up of the same people, so that'll be the oversight taken care of then!

I'll try and get over there this week and see what the lie of the land is re parking charges etc.
« Last Edit: 07 July, 2013, 07:40:44 PM by DastardlyDick »

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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  • Veni, Vidi, $chunti. I came, I saw, I assisted.
While you were doing that, I had a look at Creative Parking Solutions or the CPS as they like to be known,

Pay your PCN or you'll be prosecuted by the CPS.       What have they to say for themselves then?

"Efficiently managed car parking facilities can be a valuable commodity. At Creative Parking Solutions we specialise in all aspects of car park management. We differ from many of our competitors by providing highly trained conscientious operatives whose focus is on providing excellent customer service."   :rotfl:

Not the usual half arsed monkeys then. There is a pay us lots of money section at the bottom to avoid prosecution by the CPS.      I was wondering if there were any checks and balances in place. You know, incase an uninformed victim accidentally inputs a wrong character, makes a payment and then continues to be threatened with all sorts of nastiness. No checks whatsoever. Fill the boxes in with whatever you want and you'll be herded into the sage pay page. Where's a highly trained conscientious operative when you need one? The drop down box on the payment section does not have a £150 option, £130 is the max.

Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

Offline DastardlyDick

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To be fair, they do have a problem with commuters etc parking in that car park all day. However, this only started after Dacorum Council started charging to use their - previously free - Car Parks.