Council Specific & Schunt Reports > Southend-on-Sea

Looks like we might be having a trip to the seaside.


The Bald Eagle:
Not only have they not  taken on board that they can't use the $cars where it is equally practicable to deploy a CEO, they are now threatening to upgrade to an anpr technology that is illegal too.

When will they learn? :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: :bashy:

Hey guys maby a trip to the seaside is in order, just found this

Seems like someone has posted a reply to them from us.

peperami gsxr:
Could be wrong, but i don't think 'that' reply would come from the NTM.

I think someone, somewhere is getting their stories mixed up, because AFAIK the Council/APCOA can't enforce speed limits.

Pat Pending:
This not something we get involved with!  If a new member to this forum did post it perhaps they could modify or remove it.


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