Author Topic: 32D PCN - Help please  (Read 4353 times)

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Offline FlowersLondon

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32D PCN - Help please
« on: 21 May, 2014, 03:22:54 PM »

I am new to the forum, so please bear with me if I make mistakes on this post.

I have been issued a PCN for a 32D for turning left on a road (two way street) when there was a blue arrow indicating a straight ahead only sign. There was no "No Left turn" sign. I use the slightly different route where I go straight, rather than the one I took that afternoon when I turned left. In my mind, I could turn left and there was no sign indicating I shouldn't. So didnt think twice about it and turned left.

Lambeth had an officer record this stupid turn and issue me a ticket. But I didn't get the original notification. There has been few letters that have gone missing the last 2/3 months and the original PCN notice went into this postal blackhole. So. I have the notice which is wanting me to pay £195. Is there a way I can fight this? I guess I could call them and ask them to give me an oppurtunity to pay it at the 50% rate, but I'd rather not pay if possible as I am currently a stay at home mum and not earning.

In one of the other parking appeal websites it talks about a case where the person didn't have to pay as the council didn't make sure the motorist received the letter. Will this apply to me?

Thanks everyone!

Offline Mr Mustard

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Re: 32D PCN - Help please
« Reply #1 on: 21 May, 2014, 06:37:55 PM »


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