Author Topic: on my way home  (Read 2170 times)

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Offline news shopper martin

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on my way home
« on: 01 October, 2011, 06:33:48 PM »
Today on my way home from a hard days paintballing in this sweltering heat i was on the 51 just coming throw black fen i saw Bexley council famous camera sign tied to a lampost but could see no scar  W:T:F: W:T:F: W:T:F: W:T:F: W:T:F: so I got off the bus and decided to investigate and try and find this scar after a couple off Min's i found it parked up a side street hiding  :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: :bashy: It was enforcing a bus stop on black fen the obr by the lights and the scar was parked in Willow Ave and his sign was on the wrong side the road as he was enforcing the bus stop the other side off the road to where the sign was  W:T:F: :bashy: :bashy: W:T:F: so I went over and spoke to him and its the same driver thats hides when he enforces the bus stop by my shop and I got same reason as i did last time. I asked him why he is hiding he said "because the council tell me to park here"  W:T:F: W:T:F: W:T:F: W:T:F:
« Last Edit: 02 October, 2011, 08:22:48 AM by Monkey Girl »
$CAMERAS HIDE NOTOMOB SEEK what a great game we play we always win


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