Author Topic: London Councils, the BPA Ltd and POPLA. What they didn't want you to see.  (Read 21491 times)

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For avoidance of doubt the No To Mob wish to make it clear that although we were invited to, and gave a seminar at Parkex 2013, we were not in any way witnesses to any coaching sessions that took place there or elsewhere. However, would like to thank Mr Lester for his admission that coaching sessions did indeed take place, albeit they were not publicised in the Parkex  programme. For whatever reason, Mr Lester seems to want to draw the Mob into his web of intrigue and obfuscation.

That said we attach extracts from the info supplied by London Councils under FoI (E43, N21.pdf and N21.doc, obtained by one of our members) that has been the subject of much recent debate. Because London Councils are claiming copyright on the whole of the FoI response we are only allowed to publish extracts provided we acknowledge their copyright, which we now do.

We have identified the attached extracts for “...research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting”.

The E43 email refers to a Newsletter sent out by Popla on 23rd May 2013. That newsletter was, we assume, sent to all AOS members and had attached to it copies of two witness statements which Nick Lester, the BPA Ltd, Parking Eye Ltd, and Henry Greenslade all had a hand in drafting and/or approving. You might also want to look at N21 and its attachment for proof that Nick Lester had sight of an early version of the "witness" statement and had a hand in its drafting.

Here also (below) is a copy of one of possibly numerous missing emails not released under FoI. This just adds to the speculation over why London Councils are so determined for us, the public, not to have sight of the Newsletter and its attachments.

From: Egroombridge <>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 4:03 PM
Subject: POPLA Newsletter May 13
To: xxxxxxxx
Please find attached the latest POPLA Newsletter and attachments
Kind Regards
Emma Groombridge
Senior Administration Assistant
PO Box 70748
London  EC1P 1SN                                           
Telephone: xxxxxxx

We now attach a copy of that missing newsletter not provided in replies to the Foi request, together with its attachments (POPLA Newsletter May 13, Witness Statement A, Witness Statement B, BPA Workshops, Improving Evidence Packs, POPLA Appeal form and notes 05137-). These were provided to the No To Mob by an anonymous source, possibly a mole in Popla, or in the BPA Ltd, or maybe even by a Private Parking Contractor with a conscience.

The Newsletter itself was by way of encouraging PPCs to present the "witness" statements and evidence in a way that Popla assessors would find more palatable, with a nod from Henry Greenslade that “Rather than the operator having to produce the whole contract, or even a redacted version, the Lead Adjudicator has directed that, provided the correct information is provided, Assessors will accept a suitably detailed witness statement, so long as all relevant matters are clear for the appellant as well as the Assessor.”.

It appears therefore that despite all of London Councils attempts to try to gag us, they have failed dismally and have laid themselves open to allegations of a cover up of a conspiracy to defraud the public.

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
« Last Edit: 31 July, 2013, 01:13:37 AM by Coco »

Offline 2b1ask1

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Wow; it just shows complete contempt, this house of cards needs to come down...
Willing to do my bit...

Offline booksearch

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What I find most compelling is that the newsletter is solely aimed at the industry, the motorist doesn't feature in the equation at all.  Independent it is not!!

Offline The Bald Eagle

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What I find most compelling is that the newsletter is solely aimed at the industry, the motorist doesn't feature in the equation at all.  Independent it is not!!

"...compelling"? An interesting word, but one I would probably not have used.

"Disgraceful" maybe.

Or how about "outrageous"?

I'm sure others could think of far better adjectives. <_>

Offline dangerous beanz

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These were provided to the No To Mob by an anonymous source, possibly a mole in Popla, or in the BPA Ltd, or maybe even by a Private Parking Contractor with a conscience. W:T:F:

Now why do you think they used those words..................

Could it be, perhaps, that they know they are not being exactly straight. :pmsl:
If there is a tourist come we can't shoot them?

Offline 2b1ask1

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Forgive me for not getting it straight away; the news flash on the main page is a for real response threatening copyright enforcement because you have made an expose...?

What a bunch of wranglers trying to close the stable door...  :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:

Willing to do my bit...

Offline Outatime

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They're all just one big happy family.

Weasels? Where we're going we don't need weasels.

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Forgive me for not getting it straight away; the news flash on the main page is a for real response threatening copyright enforcement because you have made an expose...?

What a bunch of wranglers trying to close the stable door...  :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:

Yes it is a real threat by London Councils. Fortunately, very soon it won't matter anyway because of this:

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Offline 2b1ask1

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Forgive me for not getting it straight away; the news flash on the main page is a for real response threatening copyright enforcement because you have made an expose...?

What a bunch of wranglers trying to close the stable door...  :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:

Yes it is a real threat by London Councils. Fortunately, very soon it won't matter anyway because of this:

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Unbelievable... Keep up the excellent work you are all doing, these shysters will be their own undoing in the end!
Willing to do my bit...

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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Not quite. We will be their undoing. The NoToMoB will be their undoing, in the end.

Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Apparently some people are now calling Nick Lester a liar!

Surely not!!!!


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