Author Topic: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils  (Read 3481 times)

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Offline I am Spartacus

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Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« on: 30 July, 2013, 05:01:19 PM »
Thought you might like to see my latest parchment, recently dispatched. ;D


Dear Mr Lester

I am writing to you in your capacity as head of corporate resources at London Councils and also as head of governance at Popla.

I recently had some dealings with one of the BPA Ltd's members (G24 Ltd) and fortunately I persuaded them to waive their parking charge.

However, because of that unfortunate experience I have since been reluctant to park my chariot in any private car parks where your client's (the BPA Ltd.) members provide enforcement services to the land owner.

Fortunately I spotted a little snippet on the Parking Prankster's blog (see that has inspired me to contact you in an attempt to enlist your help should I, or indeed any of the lads in the slave army ever receive another private parking ticket in a car park where enforcement is run by one of your client's members.

We would very much appreciate it if you could arrange some coaching sessions for the lads at some of our local camps, to demonstrate how best to contest Parking Charge Notices at Popla. I do appreciate that your time is limited due to your many commitments, particularly because you have to work so hard at maintaining the illusion of complete independence between the posts you hold with London Councils, Popla, the European Parking Association and the BPA Ltd, but if you could spare us a little of your time we would be much obliged.

On the other hand, if you don't have time, perhaps you could change into your BPA Ltd hat and ask one of the BPA Ltd's members (Parking Eye Ltd for example) to knock us up a quick generic statement that guarantees us a win at Popla. Of course you might want to run this past the equally independent lead assessor Mr Greenslade, so that he can give it his seal of approval before sending it out in a newsletter to all motorists, in much the same way as was done when distributing the generic witness statements to BPA Ltd. members.

And as in the case of the so called “witness” statement that the private parking contractors (PPCs) are currently putting in to Popla on behalf of the land owners, could you please get them to design one for us to put in on behalf of a third party, in this case a mate of ours called Santa Claus, which says that Santa has put the perpetrator of this heinous crime on his naughty list, that that should be sufficient punishment, and therefore Popla should allow the driver's appeal.

I know this may sound a little frivolous and it would never carry any weight in a court of law, but since the PPC's statement would carry an equal amount of weight (i.e. none whatsoever) were it ever put before a proper court, we don't see this as a problem.

I have c.c.'d in several parties whom I consider may be interested in your replies, as I am sure they would be most interested to see how you will try to level the playing field for the motorist now that you have been caught coaching (completely independently of course) BPA Ltd members on how to win at Popla.

Kindly acknowledge safe receipt of this communication.

Sincere vestrum

« Last Edit: 30 July, 2013, 05:09:26 PM by I am Spartacus »
I'm Spartacus and so's my wife

Offline Outatime

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Re: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« Reply #1 on: 30 July, 2013, 05:57:14 PM »
Very nicely put Mr. Spartacus, sir. As agreed during our recent meeting, I have sent an email also. Although our meeting was over 2000 years ago it was recent (20 minutes ago) for me. I don't expect you to grasp the concept of time travel being a roman slave so you'll have to take my word for it.

Dear Mr. Lester,

I have just returned from 65 BC where I went to view a gladiatorial contest. While I was there I had the opportunity of speaking with a rather rough looking gentleman by the name of Spartacus. He told me that there were issues whenever he wanted to park his Chariot and your name came up in conversation as 'the guy to see' for rigging independent appeals. I decided there and then to time travel to your time, put a little proposition to you and then get back in time to see Spartacus who was up next in the arena.

I was thinking that you could run a secret workshop for and on behalf of the public to help word appeals to POPLA that were guaranteed a favourable response by the adjudicator. The specifically worded appeal could then be emailed to the chief adjudicator at POPLA so that when identically worded appeals arrive at POPLA he will instantly recognise them and allow the appeal. A bit like being a freemason, I suppose.

Here's where I come in. Once you have sent me a fireproof appeal template, I can transport it back in time to when PoFA first came in, make it available to the general public, and then all POPLA appeals to date will have been allowed. I own a California registered DeLorean time machine so I am not pulling your leg on this one. I would appreciate it greatly if you could keep this matter between ourselves and especially make sure that the BPA Ltd does not get wind of it. Private car parks are run by BPA Ltd members and they would probably feel unfairly disadvantaged if they knew what we were up to.

I await your response with much anticipation. As a time traveller I can receive emails in the past, present or future.

Yours Sincerely,

Marty McFly.
Weasels? Where we're going we don't need weasels.

Offline Outatime

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Re: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« Reply #2 on: 31 July, 2013, 04:54:36 PM »
Although Spartacus got his reply before me, I was able to publish mine first due to the wonder of time travel,

Dear Marty McFly

I think your time travel must have befuddled your wits.   POPLA has not
run any 'secret' workshops nor any workshops at all that have given
anyone ways of guaranteeing a favourable appeal decision.

Yours sincerely

Nick Lester
Corporate Director, Services
(We do that to numbers a lot in America)

Spartacus is not the only person who's not getting this time travel thing. I saw Nick meet with the BPA on the 9th April, not five minutes ago. I also travelled to the future and saw the answer to this FOI,

I suspect there will be some more interesting emails in the future. Or the past.
Weasels? Where we're going we don't need weasels.

Offline 2b1ask1

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Re: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« Reply #3 on: 31 July, 2013, 10:53:07 PM »
By the magic of it Nick (Leech) Leicester turned up on Jeremy Vines radio show this afternoon trying to defend Barnet's loss over residents parking scamming.... worth a listen to if you missed it. David Atfields victory was well presented. Coleman gets a mention as well... from 1:42.50 on
Willing to do my bit...

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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Re: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« Reply #4 on: 09 August, 2013, 02:21:35 PM »
I may have found the start of this sorry little episode. The BPAs treasurer, John McArdle got stuck in due to, ahem, complaints from enforcement operators,

Why would PPCs feel the need to be complaining about a supposedly independent appeal service? Perhaps Trickus and the gang led them to believe they would be getting something different to what actually materialised. Honestly, Trickus! Your father is not proud of you right now.

Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

Offline BGB

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Re: Letter sent to Nickerless Lesterus at London Councils
« Reply #5 on: 09 August, 2013, 02:53:36 PM »
And how does the BPA get the right to review the 'independent' POPLA?


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