Author Topic: Ombudsman criticises Bexley Council over parking fine  (Read 2700 times)

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Nigel W

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Ombudsman criticises Bexley Council over parking fine
« on: 29 September, 2011, 02:42:12 PM »
This story broke back in August:

"Bexley Council’s rigid following of procedure and failure to update its address records meant that a woman suffered bailiff action unnecessarily for a parking fine, finds Local Government Ombudsman, Dr Jane Martin. In her report, issued today, she says that, as a result, the woman ended up paying £629.95 to clear the debt, instead of the £150 for which she was liable."


Offline Ewan Hoosami

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Re: Ombudsman criticises Bexley Council over parking fine
« Reply #1 on: 29 September, 2011, 05:08:08 PM »
Bexley council are the most disgusting and despicable examples of humanity I have ever had the extreme displeasure of making the acquaintance of and they can 'manger ma merde,' if you'll excuse my french. I know of no other council that has three local blogs detailing their wholesale disregard for the law. In addition to this, most of the websites that highlight parking maladministration feature Bexley quite prominently. A woman I know recently fell foul of the traffic taliban in Bexley and I can tell you that not using 'powers of discretion' is standard operating procedure for these scumbags. She lodged informal representations containing mitigating circumstances by email and 'parking services' (I like that phrase. It's like they're doing us a favour) responded by asking for her postal address. The fact that her postal address was contained within the representations was proof that they hadn't even read them and had no intention of doing so. She supplied her address again, but in large bold type, and the beautiful human beings that they are sent a letter of rejection patronising her by stating what the parking regulations were. After me searching on line, which led me here in the first place, she decided to fold and pay their generous discounted rate. I saw a lot of PATAS cases which ended with the adjudicator not forcing powers of discretion, only ruling on points of law. That discount 'carrot' can be quite intimidating, as can the whole corrupt procedure.

Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.


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