Author Topic: The whistleblower & CIVEA explain the bailiff's plans to exploit new legislation  (Read 2940 times)

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The NoToMOB has been working tirelessly behind the scenes and have had regular meetings with local authorities. Some of these meetings have concerned the LA's duty of care to monitor their bailiff's activities to ensure only those bailiff fees allowable in law and pursuant to contracts are applied.

With this in mind we would like to thank one sympathetic authority for supplying us with a copy of CIVEA Enforcement News April 2014 (attached) which, at pages 11 to 20 explains how bailiffs plan to interpret the new legislation in order to maximise profits.

We repeat the whistleblowers more succinct appraisal below for the sake of completeness.



I work for a  very well known bailiff company at the end of Feb the boss called a meeting with us bailiffs. We was all worried because we thought that our jobs were on  the line. When the meeting started the boss (our Director) started  by saying " cheer up boys, we have won...we are about to make a fortune”.

He was right as currently a bailiff is allowed to visit at certain times. bailiffs are allowed to visit on Sundays and Bank Holidays and  the boss said that if any of us want to make a serious amount of money next month we should let the firm know because the mega bucks will be made by visiting debtors on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

Boss also told us that after the reforms we can almost guarantee that every case will result in a personal visit (£235)  because the firm only has to give debtors 7 days to make payment after sending the letter and our firm will be doing what all other firms will be doing by dating  our letters on a Thursday and getting  DHL to pick up on Friday. DHL promise a three  working day postal time and letter should hit the letterbox on following Wednesday giving debtor less than one day to make payment before £235 fee kicks in. 

Also, we are going on a recruiting drive because all companies will be getting double the work that we get at the moment because the new reforms have stopped the councils from sending a 14 day letter warning them that a Liability Order been obtained. We won’t have enough staff to answer all phone calls so the phones will ring out and £235 goes onto the account. We can’t lose. 

After reforms we can legally charge £75, £235 and if the debtor can’t come up with all the money at the door...we have to call the office to ‘send’ the tow truck. Soon as the call is made we can then charge £110 to the debtor and complaints about  ‘aborted van fees’ cant apply any more. In nearly every case we should be able to charge £420 for just turning up.

Currently after clamping a car a bailiff has to wait a certain amount of time as permission is needed from client in order to tow BUT after reforms no permission needed and no clamping needed just come with a truck at 6am and take cars. The boss said that in every case we should be looking to take the car off the driveway straight away. No messing because the real money can be gained by charging storage fees at £45 a day.

I know you try to give balanced advice to debtors but we are expecting hundreds of complaints but we are being told that in every case we will have to make clear to the debtor that the legislation has been approved by MOJ and the MP’s and if you don’t like it then complain to them not to us.

Sorry it’s bad news but I am just telling it as it is”.


« Last Edit: 12 May, 2014, 11:53:58 AM by Coco »