Author Topic: Southwark $chunt: 2/6/11  (Read 2855 times)

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Offline Esinem

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Southwark $chunt: 2/6/11
« on: 04 June, 2011, 05:31:24 PM »
FPW & I popped out for a bit of action.  One of the ones that I followed got spooked and ran to the Police Stn. When I offered to accompany the driver, he agreed and then made a run for it when I went to park my bike. He looked a little sheepish when I caught up with him at the NCP at Cerise Rd (2ndry Pen) and asked why he had run off. From the ensuing conversation with him and other staff, it seems they had not had the SoI passed on. A little later, we met the runaway driver in the street and had a very amicable chat.  Anyway, we eventually had all 5 $cars corralled in the Pen and refusing to come out to play. Eventually, 2 came out but went back to the main Pen. I suspect one was kept off the road after I pointed out it was unroadworthy due to a missing driver's mirror  :rotfl:

Have just mailed this:

Dear David

NoToMob mailed their statement of intent to both Mr Hassan at Southwark and also Apcoa (below, also delivered by hand to Peckham Police Station) some while ago. Sadly, it appears that the information expressing the good intentions and support provided by NoToMob were not passed onto by either to your MEV drivers or staff at Cerise St. This omission has caused drivers to misunderstand the motives of our ‘Big Society’ volunteers.  Please correct this situation as we have no wish to cause them any concern. 

Be assured that NoToMob act entirely legally and have the support of the police in reducing road traffic offences to maximise public safety and reduce congestion. In fact, they should welcome our presence as, more than once, volunteers have stepped in to defuse an angry confrontation by a member of the public and we contribute significantly to the declared statutory goal of “100% compliance with no penalties”. We achieve the latter by ensuring that motorists are aware they might be about to commit an offence and ensure that the MEV is the “visible deterrent” it is intended to be. In most cases, when we assist your crews no offences occur, which is something they seem to consistently fail in unaided. Of course, we are always video equipped to record any incidents and to provide evidence of the legality of our activities.

Best wishes


Statement of Intent

I am not following the people in the car, I am following the car.  If the people currently in it get out and others replace them, I will continue to follow the car.  I have absolutely no interest in the operators of the CCTV cameras mounted on the car other than to volunteer my time, free of charge, to assist the operators of the CCTV cars in their duties of ensuring public safety by way of deterring motorists from committing motoring offences.

I respectfully refer the reader of this statement to the:

Traffic Management Act 2004 and The Secretary of State’s Statutory Guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions dated 28 February 2008

Which states:

"Enforcement authorities should run their CPE [Civil Parking Enforcement] operations (both on and off street) efficiently, effectively and economically. The purpose of penalty charges is to dissuade motorists from breaking parking restrictions. The objective of CPE should be for 100% compliance, with no penalty charges."

I am following this vehicle out of deference to the Secretary of State's guidance above, and out of civic duty.

I am not trying to stop the CCTV operators from doing their job. In fact, I am encouraging them to do so.

I am not trying to stop the CCTV operators from doing their job. In fact, I am encouraging them to do so.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »
Wastemonster City Council can      NoToMob are watching you!

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: Southwark $chunt: 2/6/11
« Reply #1 on: 04 June, 2011, 06:02:15 PM »
Nice one Bruce. :aplude: :aplude: :aplude:

Let's see what they make of that.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Nigel W

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Re: Southwark $chunt: 2/6/11
« Reply #2 on: 04 June, 2011, 06:03:24 PM »
That was a very good email.

Why the drivers are not aware of and welcome the invaluable assistance provided I can only speculate. Perhaps a Notice of Intent could
also be provided to them. This would need to be made available in many different languages so that the could all understand it.

My points about the assistance provided in Bexley ought to be taken on board by all EA's. They ought to also liaise with the people assisting them about possible enforcement locations to visit whilst consuming the tea provided.

I am sure that each and every EA would be very pleased to provide The No To MOB with a rota of their intended enforcement locations on a weekly basis. This would ensure that they had assistance on hand at all times. This rota could also incorporate the tea schedules. At the end of each shift outside the pen a round of applause and three cheers could then be given as no PCN's had been issued.

Everyone would be very happy with this outcome not least the EA's concerned who would have achieved their intended target.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »