I met Spica at the pen, Bit of chatting before a car arrived at the gate. Spent a while just sitting there before they opened, I suspect we now know why! He led us off on a well signalled and slow drive through Rochester, down the back of Argos and took up station in the new bus station observation bay.
So we offed to the Blockbuster honeypot, which was dead. Divided forces heading for Green Street, Spica via Dock Road and the North, me via Chatham Hill and Canterbury Street. I caught the car halfway down Canterbury Street, he seemed keen to lose me until after a quick turn round the D&D, heading back up Canterbury Street where Spica caught us.
Saved a few at Kentucky, same a bit of Gillingham, then off to Chatham and Blockbuster, they got 3 but we saved a handful of others. Down to Halfords, saved another handful there though they may have got 1, then on via backstreets of Chatham to the Tideway. Then a long scenic route with no visible enforcement across Davis estate and Churchill Ave.
Headed via Luton Road back to Gillingham, lost a few but spread the word at the Canterbury Street bus stop. Saved another few at the bottom of Canterbury Street, looped the station end, then off through the tunnel to Wainscott. No enforcement there either, they were heading to Hoo when Spica discovered his headlamp had blown, so we abandoned the evening there at 9.15 on safety grounds.