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Offline javabike

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Off topic Christmas Story - my story
« on: 20 December, 2011, 09:39:28 AM »
You are my friends and I would like to share my true Christmas story. 
It always reminds me of the best time of my life.

It is not hollywood level, but human level.
The day Santa came to our home. 

At this time of year we put up the Christmas tree, and I am sure we all put brightly covered empty boxes under the tree to make it look complete – but for me the empty boxes remind me of the day Santa came to our home.

About 18 years ago in Australia, I was in my cyclic state of being broke, with Christmas coming I had no money.  The children and I put up the Christmas tree. I attempted to decorate the tree – as expected my ability to decorate a Christmas tree was woeful and as usual the kids put it to rights. 
The kids (6, 7, 14, 15) asked do we have some Christmas presents for the tree, to which I had to reply, sadly, no not this year.
I tried to explain there would be no presents this year – but the kids insisted, its Christmas; Santa is coming and anyway when we get to Nana's there will be lots.  But I knew Santa was not coming this year.
Cheerfully the kids got  boxes and covered them with old wrapping paper for the tree.  The Christmas spirit in children is never lost.
So there was the tree in all its splendour amidst old wrapped boxes.

A few days before Christmas, and poor one it would be, there was a knock at the door,   A cheerful tubby bloke in shirt and shorts stood at the door, and asked me quietly to come outside to talk.  He checked that he had the right family, naming the kids by heart and said he had some 'things' for them.  I asked who he was and what was going on – he answered with a smile but all I heard was 'its Christmas and I have a few items for the children'.

We walked to his car and from the boot he handed me sacks of boxes;  he told me to take them to the house, when I returned he handed me more boxes and shopping bags.  So off I went back to the house. Back and forth loaded with bags a number of times.

The kids in the meantime with glee had started to unpack the bags full of named presents and replaced the empty boxes under the tree with the new ones.
The smiles and knowing on their faces could not belie what was happening.

Bewildered I returned to the bloke at the car who said those were for the kids and the food for Christmas lunch and this I got just for you as he handed me a bottle of fine port.   All the while I still did not know who he was or what he was doing – but it was plain.

I asked if he would like to come in for a drink, To which he replied 'Thank you, but this time of year is very busy for me, maybe another time', he drove off with a shout of 'Merry Christmas'. 

We had the best Christmas, ever,  It was a time of love and sharing and believing.

I do not know who the guy in shorts and shirts was or who asked him to visit, but I do know Santa visited our house that day.

Christmas is for children and I hope at Christmas we remember we are all just children.  Give! If you have nothing, give the greatest gift that you have; give your love to another and remember Santa is not far away.

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Nigel W

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Re: Off topic Christmas Story - my story
« Reply #1 on: 20 December, 2011, 10:28:05 AM »
What a wonderful story Java.

You should also write childrens stories.

Offline kiwi

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Re: Off topic Christmas Story - my story
« Reply #2 on: 20 December, 2011, 04:44:04 PM »
Was that a copy and paste ? or are you going all merry on us ??  cheer cheer Brv  ;D

                                                            Love it !!!!!

Offline javabike

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Re: Off topic Christmas Story - my story
« Reply #3 on: 20 December, 2011, 08:51:16 PM »
What a wonderful story Java.

You should also write childrens stories.
Thanks Nigel, not sure about writing children's stories (not much of a word smith)
 But here are some titles of more real stories of my past.
 NB: Sherry is a mixed dog, Rocky and Tristie are Border Collies. RD350 is a motorbike; I raised my 4 kids on my own from the days in Coorparoo
 Sherry and the RD350
 Rocky and Tristie
 Rocky and the farm in Yass
 Rocky and the duck
 Rocky and the pig
 Rocky and the chick
 Water fights and parties at Coorparoo
 Days of beach and pool
 Beach and chips in the rain.
 Our times at the beach were always early 8am and gone by 9am, I and my daughter can not be in the Australian sun for more than 45 minutes. Must be that vampire blood. The other three kids can be in it all day long.

@Kiwi yes lifted from my annual reminder stories to my family.
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