Author Topic: schunt report 16/07/2011  (Read 3063 times)

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Offline Marmite

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schunt report 16/07/2011
« on: 16 July, 2012, 07:51:38 AM »
We met up with spooky for her first 2 wheeled schunt and then proceeded to the Strood pen.  We arrived approx 10:10, there was one scar out to play.  We waited until 10:30 in case others were going to arrive.  Approx 10:30 we went out to locate and assist, this proved quite difficult as we could only cover one area at a time.  In the end I decided that my $CHUNTING intuition should take over, so we parked in the Car park by the Dog and Bone in Gillingham for approx 6 Min's.  The as if by magic, the scar passes us, and the driver looked as if he was expecting us.  We went to assist both spooky and my self were on the bike started and went to pull away, unfortunately we were a little delayed in our great efforts to assist.  DD was only half on the bike and was shouting at me whilst hopping along the car  By this time the scar had a led foot, and dissapeared around James street.  When we finally were ready for departure we turned into James street but no scar, it had vanished.  A member of the public directed us where it went but unfortunately we lost it. The hunt was back on, and after about 20 Min's fount it again on the top road (A2) Gillingham.  The driver was enforcing on foot.  He then noticed that spooky had L plated so took us for a fast ride Up the A2 past tesco and onto the motorway (video of most of the ride).  We did not follow as it would not have been fair on spooky, so shunting intuition said we should go back to Blockbuster for a while.  This we done, and with in 5 Min's of being there he pulled round the corner. (video to show time difference).  By this time it was lunch time so we waved at him to say good bye.

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: schunt report 16/07/2011
« Reply #1 on: 16 July, 2012, 10:18:38 AM »
Nice report and it's good to see we have another member discovering the joys of $chunting. Just one thing though.

Today is 16th July and it ain't lunch time yet. :pmsl:

Offline Ewan Hoosami

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Re: schunt report 16/07/2011
« Reply #2 on: 16 July, 2012, 12:27:33 PM »
Appealing to the council is like playing chess with a pigeon. You might be a chess grand master but the pigeon will always knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and then strut around triumphantly.

Offline judasp

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Re: schunt report 16/07/2011
« Reply #3 on: 16 July, 2012, 03:09:33 PM »
Nice one again guys this scar love taken us for a ride I had the on Saturday need a coop I do a mini shunt on but as I quickly park my car got me jacket on he made a quick get away -_- but I couldnt pursue as was busy
we will be watching you, my car will catch you