Author Topic: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.  (Read 19111 times)

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Offline Staps

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #45 on: 01 June, 2011, 09:50:21 PM »
My problem is the fact that they are leaping on people over the most trivial of offences, I dont think robbing over £8 per second from someone is acceptable I also dont think bus stops should be no go areas for cars, they are THE safest places to drop someone off, it doesn't take long.. It is not about safety other wise people would be allowed to use this safe space for what it was designed for.. Picking up and dropping off.
Just wondered. is it an offence to stop to either pick up or drop off next to a bus stop (Staying in the main road rather than encroaching on their precious tarmac)
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Offline Pat Pending

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #46 on: 01 June, 2011, 11:52:08 PM »
That is a very good point Staps and I shall be looking at a few with that in mind myself now.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Beer in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up,  totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a  ride!!"

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #47 on: 03 June, 2011, 04:09:27 PM »
I think Esinem posted something about "De Minimis" somewhere. Might be worth looking into.

And Pep is right by the way. By our actions and the unfortunate victim's comments, we have raised people's awareness of these $cars in Bexley and people will look out for them more. This will mean there will be a consequent drop in the number of PCNs issued.

So to take it to its logical conclusion, we have achieved what we set out to do, which is to raise motorists' awareness of the $cars. I'd say that was a win, wouldn't you. :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

It must be driving Bexley CC nuts knowing that we are helping them achieve their stated aim of "100% compliance without penalties". 

Now who shall we nominate to pick up our public service award medals from a grateful Bexley Council? :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:
« Last Edit: 04 June, 2011, 09:32:15 AM by The Bald Eagle »

Nigel W

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Greg Tippett's Latest Reply.
« Reply #48 on: 03 June, 2011, 06:11:59 PM »
He has to reply now as The Chief Exec. has instructed him to.

Mr Wise,

Thank you for your further email, I am afraid that I can see no benefit in entering into protracted correspondence with you on this matter or to answer again what now  appear to be rhetorical questions. As determined by the Council the CCTV vehicles will continue operations.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Tippett
Assistant Parking Manager
London Borough of Bexley
020 3045 3935
020 8303 7777 x 3935
                                                       I will post my reply to him soon!!
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Nigel W

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Reply to Greg Tippett.
« Reply #49 on: 03 June, 2011, 07:54:45 PM »
Mr Tippett,

Thank you for that information. It was reassuring to know that you had not thrown in the towel. Obviously Mr Peaple and his followers will also continue their operations now unhindered by any unwarranted Police Intervention.

Please ensure that your department including the CEO's reciprocate the assistance that is being provided to you and them by Mr Peaple and his followers.

The odd cup of tea from the CEO's flasks would not go amiss. This could be provided by the CEO's when they stop off outside Mr Peaple's employers shop. I am sure that they would be most welcome to a cup of tea from Mr Peaple in return.

Perhaps you could set up a rota for this. Please contact Mr Peaple to agree times and days etc. When this has been done you could post the rota on the side window of the MEV. The CEO's would know where and when this tea service was required.

You could then extend this operation to the provision of soup and bread for the homeless. There must be room for a large cauldron of soup in the back of these vehicles.

I am am sure that this type of PR exercise would be far more beneficial to you than the one conducted recently by your department.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nigel Wise.
« Last Edit: 03 June, 2011, 07:57:49 PM by Nigel W »

Offline news shopper martin

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #50 on: 04 June, 2011, 05:25:33 PM »
Love it Nigel  :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude: :aplude:
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »
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Nigel W

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #51 on: 04 June, 2011, 07:15:09 PM »
Mr Tippett,

Further to your accusation of  "Rhetorical Questions"  Please answer the direct questions below:

1. Do you agree that Mr Peaple acted completely within the law?

2. Do you maintain that Mr Peaple deserved the attention of the Police?

3. Do you agree that Mr Peaple and any other member of the public has the right to assist the council, in a lawful manner, with its stated parking enforcement aim of 100% compliance with zero penalties?

4.Would you prefer that members of the public desist from volunteering their assistance, free of charge and in the spirit of David Cameron's "Big Society" to the council?

A simple yes or no answer to these questions will suffice, but if you wish to qualify your answers I would welcome a fuller explanation.

                                                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Nigel Wise.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Offline Bonkers

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #52 on: 05 June, 2011, 02:49:21 PM »
I am going to use Nigel's words on my blog tomorrow as part of a feature on Bexley not answering questions. The wider local audience should help put Tippett under greater pressure to answer.

Nobody objects do they?   :idea:
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #53 on: 05 June, 2011, 06:04:01 PM »
I don't object Bonkers. You might want to speak to Nigel about it though.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Nigel W

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Greg Tippett's Reply to Latest Email.
« Reply #54 on: 10 June, 2011, 06:32:05 PM »
Mr Wise,
Please see my direct point by point response to your latest email below as requested:
1: Do you agree that Mr Peaple acted completely within the law?

Refer to Police

2: Do you maintain that Mr Peaple deserved the attention of the Police?

Refer to Police

3: Do you agree that Mr Peaple and any other member of the public has the right to assist the council, in a lawful manner, with its stated parking enforcement aim of 100% compliance with zero penalties?

Parking Enforcement should only be undertaken by trained and qualified professionals and unqualified volunteers may place themselves and others in jeopardy.

4: Would you prefer that members of the public desist from volunteering their assistance, free of charge and in the spirit of David Cameron's "Big Society" to the council?

Please see 3

Greg Tippett
Assistant Parking Manager
London Borough of Bexley
020 3045 3935
020 8303 7777 x 3935
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Offline Staps

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #55 on: 10 June, 2011, 09:26:43 PM »
Quote from: "Nigel W"
Mr Wise,
Please see my direct point by point response to your latest email below as requested:
1: Do you agree that Mr Peaple acted completely within the law?

Refer to Police

2: Do you maintain that Mr Peaple deserved the attention of the Police?

Refer to Police

3: Do you agree that Mr Peaple and any other member of the public has the right to assist the council, in a lawful manner, with its stated parking enforcement aim of 100% compliance with zero penalties?

Parking Enforcement should only be undertaken by trained and qualified professionals and unqualified volunteers may place themselves and others in jeopardy.

4: Would you prefer that members of the public desist from volunteering their assistance, free of charge and in the spirit of David Cameron's "Big Society" to the council?

Please see 3

Greg Tippett
Assistant Parking Manager
London Borough of Bexley
020 3045 3935
020 8303 7777 x 3935

1. & .2 Why is he saying "refer to police", you are asking him.
3. & .4. do we have another bulls**t Kid on the block.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »

Offline news shopper martin

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #56 on: 10 June, 2011, 10:29:02 PM »
Staps he more then the bulls**t kid
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »
$CAMERAS HIDE NOTOMOB SEEK what a great game we play we always win

Offline peperami gsxr

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #57 on: 10 June, 2011, 11:08:10 PM »
I think NoToMob need training then, and all in the name of David Cameron's "Big Society"

After all.... Bexley Council recognises dedicated volunteers (see link).

I wonder if Greg would be able to liase with the councils voluntary sector and see what training they are willing to provide,

Problem solved, we are willing to give up our time, the council will meet 100% compliance, and we will all be safe.

And I'm sure Mr Cameron would be so pleased with Bexley for leading the way in his name.

Nigel, maybe you could see if Greg would like to take up this offer.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »
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Offline peperami gsxr

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #58 on: 10 June, 2011, 11:13:43 PM »
@ Nigel,

Greg should also note that we all took Martin with us on a schunt to show him the rules and give him some on the job training.

Maybe he has not seen the Video.

And it should also be noted that since Martin had this training, he has been assisting the scar outside his shop with no complaints. So we must be doing something right.

Bexley Council, we are watching you
« Last Edit: 10 June, 2011, 11:19:44 PM by peperami gsxr »
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Offline The Bald Eagle

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Re: We have not made the front page...But someone else has.
« Reply #59 on: 13 June, 2011, 04:12:44 PM »
Quote from: "Nigel W"
Mr Wise,
Please see my direct point by point response to your latest email below as requested:
1: Do you agree that Mr Peaple acted completely within the law?

Refer to Police

2: Do you maintain that Mr Peaple deserved the attention of the Police?

Refer to Police

3: Do you agree that Mr Peaple and any other member of the public has the right to assist the council, in a lawful manner, with its stated parking enforcement aim of 100% compliance with zero penalties?

Parking Enforcement should only be undertaken by trained and qualified professionals and unqualified volunteers may place themselves and others in jeopardy.

4: Would you prefer that members of the public desist from volunteering their assistance, free of charge and in the spirit of David Cameron's "Big Society" to the council?

Please see 3

Greg Tippett
Assistant Parking Manager
London Borough of Bexley
020 3045 3935
020 8303 7777 x 3935

This is why Mrs Eagle has given me a lifetime ban from watching BBC Question Time.
She got fed up with me screaming
at the telly.
« Last Edit: 01 January, 1970, 01:00:00 AM by Guest »


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